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UK Weekly Market Report - Week 20 - 15 May Settlement

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Beginning with our analysis of Week 20 in 2024, we will not only compare this period to the same week in 2023 but also start publishing week-on-week variances to reveal interesting market trends.
While transaction numbers increased compared to one year ago, they dropped relative to the previous week. However, total amounts collected and the average value per transaction grew considerably.

When compared to week 20 of 2023:

- Total Transactions were up +14% 
- Total amounts processed were up +24%
- Average transaction value was up +9% 

But when compared to week 19 of 2024:

- Total Transactions were down -17% 
- Total amounts processed were up +6%
- Average transaction value was up +28% 

Our Analysis

These trends indicate that Week 19, as we mentioned last week, was an exceptionally strong week for new bookings. Week 20 aligns more closely with the overall market trend for the year so far (+8% increase in transactions overall).
Further analysis reveals that more balances were collected this week due to the high number of bookings for June departure dates. This is consistent with reports from the trade press, where sales agents perceive a steady flow of bookings. However, there is a sense that the "Lates" market has either not yet kicked in or that customers are waiting for more special offers to appear.

Editor Note. As we migrate all of our platform participants to our new TL Pay facility, we are also receiving richer data which over the next few week will allow us to revamp our weekly market data report and provide more insights. Stay tuned!